We were just discussing rainbow kisses in the kitchen. I said it was when a girl and boy spat in one
anothers mouths making the shape of rainbow
with their spit. J reckons it's when you drink
a cup of cum, not sure if that's a boy or girl doing the drinking, I'll have to ask J later to confirm. And then I remembered another definition of a rainbow kiss, I was told about this when I was ten years old. A girl in my class, Emma was her name, informed me of it. She was the authority on sexual knowledge when we were growing up as she had two teenage siblings who passed on the nuggets of information to her. Anyway, she told me that a rainbow kiss was "licking a girl out when she's in her period." Don't know if there's any truth behind it but I've seen weirder shit on the net so who knows?
But back to the point of this post, I'm just wondering, if by any miracle someone reads this, could you please leave your thoughts on the rainbow kiss on our blog. Anything at all, anecdotes about the rainbow kiss, what you think it is, or the definitive definition if you are so bold to believe you have it!