Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just went to see The Wrestler with Dilly. I have never cried so much because of a film. From the beginning and all of the way through. This film will break your heart. Go see it. Dilly didn't like it but his taste is up his gicker. Mickey Rourke - you're a fucking legend.
Friday, January 23, 2009
MAN! can
I have a dream..
Last night I has a dream that the lads in this house put their spoons, bowls and cups in the dishwasher instead of just throwing them in the sink for me to clean up again....
The End
The End
Monday, January 19, 2009
Things To Do Before I Die - SMC
(In No Particular Order)
It is January 20th 1:10am . If I live until I'm 70 years old I only have:
45 years, 2 months, 20 days, 20 seconds
Or 16,515 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 20 seconds
Or 1,426,896,020 seconds
Or 23,781,600 minutes
Or 396,360 hours
Or 2359 weeks
Shit. Life is short.
Gonna play some computer games....:-)
- 1. Get drunk and go fishing
- 2. Go Hunting
- 3. Fly a plane
- 4. Sail a boat
- 5. Write a book
- 6. Paint a picture
- 7. Learn how to pick locks
- 8. Play piano
- 9. A round the world ticket
- 10. Quit smoking
- 11. Tom waits Live
- 12. Become a full time day trader
- 13. Travel to every county in Ireland
- 14. A College Degree
- 15. Take my grandmother on a holiday
- 16. Mescalin
- 17. Camino Santiago
- 18. Stop taking pills just because they are in front of you.
- 19. Write a song
- 20. Las Vegas Baby!
- 21. A Pet wolf (I'll call him Conan or Tamaska)
- 22. A Pet Crow
- 23. Skydive
- 24. Fix my family (Yeah Right)
- 25. Have my own business
- 26. Save someones life
- 27. Make a chess board
- 28. Visit Raymond
- 29. Visit Clint
- 30. Find my birth mother
- 31. Become an investment millionaire
- 32. Get my book or short story published
- 33. Learn how to sing "The Parting Glass"
- 34. Get an Iphone just because I want it
- 35. Fall in love and get married
- 36. Lose weight Get Fit
- 37. Richard D James Live
- 38. Quit Drinking Beer
- 39. Drink Whiskey
- 40. Greenland
- 41. Buy a cool telescope
- 42. Learn how to drive
- 43. Take care of my sister
- 44. A Counselling and social work career
- 45. Write a poem
- 46. Visit Annie
- 47. Have kids and make sure they are not fucked up in the head
- 48. Don't take life so seriously
- 49. Stay Positive and do the right thing
- 50. One day I will die and all of this will be gone. Live the way you want.
Enjoy Your Life!
There's not much time left!
There's not much time left!
It is January 20th 1:10am . If I live until I'm 70 years old I only have:
45 years, 2 months, 20 days, 20 seconds
Or 16,515 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 20 seconds
Or 1,426,896,020 seconds
Or 23,781,600 minutes
Or 396,360 hours
Or 2359 weeks
Shit. Life is short.
Gonna play some computer games....:-)
Dream - SMC
I had a dream last night.
I was at my mothers house standing in the back garden. I was looking at the grass that had just been cut. There was a patch about a 1/2 foot high that had been ignored. A huge rock was sitting in the middle. I walked over and took a closer look. The ring my mother gave me was lying beside the rock broken in two. I picked it up and tried to put it back together. I headed into the house but on the way I saw my old dog lying on the ground. She was breathing fast and losing consciousness. I rubbed her head and then she died. I walked into the kitchen to find my mother staring at the wall. She was almost in tears. I started shouting at her. The more I shouted the more enraged I became.
Her eyes were still fixated on the wall. "Why did you break the ring?" I said.
"There was blood on it" she said.
The End
I was at my mothers house standing in the back garden. I was looking at the grass that had just been cut. There was a patch about a 1/2 foot high that had been ignored. A huge rock was sitting in the middle. I walked over and took a closer look. The ring my mother gave me was lying beside the rock broken in two. I picked it up and tried to put it back together. I headed into the house but on the way I saw my old dog lying on the ground. She was breathing fast and losing consciousness. I rubbed her head and then she died. I walked into the kitchen to find my mother staring at the wall. She was almost in tears. I started shouting at her. The more I shouted the more enraged I became.
Her eyes were still fixated on the wall. "Why did you break the ring?" I said.
"There was blood on it" she said.
The End
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Rainbow kisses and other wonders of the adult world?
We were just discussing rainbow kisses in the kitchen. I said it was when a girl and boy spat in one anothers mouths making the shape of rainbow with their spit. J reckons it's when you drink a cup of cum, not sure if that's a boy or girl doing the drinking, I'll have to ask J later to confirm. And then I remembered another definition of a rainbow kiss, I was told about this when I was ten years old. A girl in my class, Emma was her name, informed me of it. She was the authority on sexual knowledge when we were growing up as she had two teenage siblings who passed on the nuggets of information to her. Anyway, she told me that a rainbow kiss was "licking a girl out when she's in her period." Don't know if there's any truth behind it but I've seen weirder shit on the net so who knows?
But back to the point of this post, I'm just wondering, if by any miracle someone reads this, could you please leave your thoughts on the rainbow kiss on our blog. Anything at all, anecdotes about the rainbow kiss, what you think it is, or the definitive definition if you are so bold to believe you have it!
But back to the point of this post, I'm just wondering, if by any miracle someone reads this, could you please leave your thoughts on the rainbow kiss on our blog. Anything at all, anecdotes about the rainbow kiss, what you think it is, or the definitive definition if you are so bold to believe you have it!
Monday, January 12, 2009
I really love your blog...
So I was just checking out the blog there yesterday and I noticed that someone had left a comment on SC's post. "Great", I thought, "Someone is actually reading our blog and they have taken the time to pass comment on it!" So I click on the comment and find this little message "i really enjoyed your blog" or some shit. I click on the commenter's blog and it's some fucking prostitute's blog. She obviously leaves these poxy comments on random shitty blogs, expecting some nerd to click on it so they can proceed to wank themselves senile after handing their credit card details over to some dirty old fuck in some rat infested office/bedroom the other side of the atlantic. Jesus, I was pissed off. This stupid bitch, getting me hopes up. Here's me thinking, "Yeah, our fucking blog is only started and it's a little understated to say the least but it must have something going for it if this person took the time to comment on it??" Clearly not the case.
But then I began to think that - ya know what?? I am here, writing this bull shit and throwing it on to the website but I don't read other people's blogs. I mean I have looked at them. Glanced over a few. And to be honest, most of them were shite. A few were average. I didn't see anything great. I'm not subscribed to any blogs. And I don't intend on subscribing to them. The lives of other people do not interest me. Well, that's a lie. I pour over copies of HEAT! Now! Reveal! and all the other What Celeb is flashing her new tattoo/knickers/tits this week? type rags. It's the lives of people I don't know that don't interest me. For example, I found this website about this lad from USA and his website is basically an homage to himself and his sexual prowess. And I thought ya know what? If I knew this bloke and I was a bloke myself - I'd probably love listening to his tales of sexual conquests in me kitchen of a friday evening. I'd be pissing myself laughing. But when I read it online, it bores the fuck out of me. So from now on I'm not expecting anyone to read this crap. It's enough that I enjoy writing it.
But then I began to think that - ya know what?? I am here, writing this bull shit and throwing it on to the website but I don't read other people's blogs. I mean I have looked at them. Glanced over a few. And to be honest, most of them were shite. A few were average. I didn't see anything great. I'm not subscribed to any blogs. And I don't intend on subscribing to them. The lives of other people do not interest me. Well, that's a lie. I pour over copies of HEAT! Now! Reveal! and all the other What Celeb is flashing her new tattoo/knickers/tits this week? type rags. It's the lives of people I don't know that don't interest me. For example, I found this website about this lad from USA and his website is basically an homage to himself and his sexual prowess. And I thought ya know what? If I knew this bloke and I was a bloke myself - I'd probably love listening to his tales of sexual conquests in me kitchen of a friday evening. I'd be pissing myself laughing. But when I read it online, it bores the fuck out of me. So from now on I'm not expecting anyone to read this crap. It's enough that I enjoy writing it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I went to see "Slumdog Millionaire" last night. I was disappointed to say the least. Cheesey, predictable, outrageously sentimental and with a "Bollywood" style dance sequence at the end that it could definitely have done without. The "Who wants to be a millionaire?" host was this cliched "BAD" guy who couldn't even pronounce millionaire, kept saying "Who wants to be a Milanaire?" SO irritating! The BF loved it though, there's no accounting for taste....
I made these delicious prawns today, they were in a breadcrumb batter thing. I made them myself, they were so juicy and plump. SMC had one of the big ones. It was whole, in it's shell and all, so I'm left wondering if his dream last night was a premanision and he mistook the prawn for a lobster.
One F will be down tonight, smoking the moroccan woodbines, no doubt. But there'll be no one here to greet him. SC has disappeared to his Ma's, probably. R is turning his collar up and pulling his jocks down to take it up the arse from some D4 ponce at the Rugby tonight. SMC is working and J is up in his room writing poetry and reading Heat magazine.
I made these delicious prawns today, they were in a breadcrumb batter thing. I made them myself, they were so juicy and plump. SMC had one of the big ones. It was whole, in it's shell and all, so I'm left wondering if his dream last night was a premanision and he mistook the prawn for a lobster.
One F will be down tonight, smoking the moroccan woodbines, no doubt. But there'll be no one here to greet him. SC has disappeared to his Ma's, probably. R is turning his collar up and pulling his jocks down to take it up the arse from some D4 ponce at the Rugby tonight. SMC is working and J is up in his room writing poetry and reading Heat magazine.
Dream SMC

I had a dream the other night. I was carrying a lobster with me. He didn't look like any other lobster Ive seen before. I think he was my friend. I wanted to eat him. I boiled a couple of lobsters before. One time at a hotel I was working in a lobster was crushed in the tank. His carcass was split in two. The hotel manager put him on a plate and told me to sort it out. I carried the poor bastard outside. His legs were still moving and he was definitely in pain so I just opened the dumpster and threw him in. I wondered how long it would take for him to die. Maybe this one was coming back to haunt me. What could I do?
I checked the dream book.
To see a lobster in your dream, represents strength and persistence. You will hold your own ground and overcome minor difficulties and problems.
To dream that you are eating lobster, indicates that you will regain your confidence.
I hope so...:-(
Sorry Pinchy...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Kieran is upset.
I have to apologise to K. He doesn't smell like a labourer's armpit. HE stormed off upstairs when he read that post. He's a little temperamental like that. We're heading to the cinema tonight and for something to eat - oh the high life!
SC is going to stay in for a change and perhaps get drunk. I think SMC got the night off tonight, he usually works as a sound engineer in this really posh restaurant. He'll probably get drunk with SC and they will spend the night shouting in the kitchen and keeping the whole house awake. And the next door neighbour will complain and we won't give a SHIT, her name is S, she's a complete wagon.
J is off making a music video for the band 21 Demands - Don't tell me you never heard of em! They came second on the TV show "Your a Star" in 1962. Ah well, at least he's happy.
And then there's R, what's he up to tonight? God only knows. He's not back from work yet but I'm sure he'll arrive home, full of merriment, walking around humming some fucking pop tune and slamming doors. And perhaps Chilli will call around. Another exciting Friday Night at No 7.
SC is going to stay in for a change and perhaps get drunk. I think SMC got the night off tonight, he usually works as a sound engineer in this really posh restaurant. He'll probably get drunk with SC and they will spend the night shouting in the kitchen and keeping the whole house awake. And the next door neighbour will complain and we won't give a SHIT, her name is S, she's a complete wagon.
J is off making a music video for the band 21 Demands - Don't tell me you never heard of em! They came second on the TV show "Your a Star" in 1962. Ah well, at least he's happy.
And then there's R, what's he up to tonight? God only knows. He's not back from work yet but I'm sure he'll arrive home, full of merriment, walking around humming some fucking pop tune and slamming doors. And perhaps Chilli will call around. Another exciting Friday Night at No 7.
Happy Friday
Kieran is going for a shower cos He's been working all day. He smells like a labourer's armpit.
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